Cantabria, Spain, Air Balance
Spain (ES):
Air Balance Cantabria
Ajo Alceda Ambrosero Ampuero Anaz Arce Arenal Arenas Arenas De Igu Arroyo As=n Astillero B B Barcenilla Bareyo Barros Bores Bustillo Bustiyerro Ca Cabarceno Cabez=n De La Sal Cabez=n De LiTbana Caldas Camargo Camesa Camino Campuzano Carandfa Carriazo Cartes Castro Castro-urdiales Caviedes Cece Cicero Colindres Comillas Corconte Corral Corvera Costamar CTrdigo Cuchia Cud=n El Astillero El Bosque Elechas Entrambasaguas Escalante Escobedo Estrada Gajano Galizano Ganzo Gibaja Gnemes Hazas De Cesto Helguera Heras Hinojedo Hoyos Hoznayo Ibio Igollo Isla Islares Izara La Abadilla La Cavada La Penilla La Requejada La Roza La Virgen Lafuente Laredo Las Presillas Las Rozas Lia Liencres Limpias Llano Llanos Lloreda Los Corrales De Buelna Malia Mao Mazcuerras Meruelo Miengo Mio Mogro Molino Monte Mortera Muriedas Noja Ocejo Ontoria Oru Palacio Parbay=n Pe Pedre Penagos Pesquero Pi Pie De Concha Pomaluengo Pontones Potes Prezanes Puente De San Miguel Puente San Miguel Puente Viesgo Queveda Quijano Quijas Ramales Ramales De La Victoria Rasines Reinosa Renedo Reocfn Requejada Ria Riba Rodezas Rozas Ruente S Salceda San MamTs De Meruelo San Miguel San Rom San Salvador San Vicente San Vicente De La Barquera Sancibri Santa Cruz Santa Cruz De Bezana Santa Marfa Santander Santiago De Cartes Santillana Santillana Del Mar Santo Santull Sar=n Selaya Selores SetiTn Sierrapando Sili= Solares Somahoz Somo Soto De La Marina Suances Suesa Tablado Tagle Torrelavega Totero Treto Unquera Urdiales Valdecilla Valdeprado Del Rfo Valderredible Valle Vallejo Vargas Vega Vega De Pas Villacarriedo Villaescusa Villafufre Villanueva Villapresente Villar Villaverde De Pontones Vio Viveda Zurita
Liberty Air Balance powered by Liberty Air Balance Co., Inc. (LABCO) is an independent Air and Hydronics testing agency that provides services for the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) industry. We have been working in the HVAC industry for over 30 years, LABCO has been in business in Southern California since 2003 and is a signatory union shop.
LABCO prides itself in working closely with its clients and expediting accurate air balance reports. Every field employee at LABCO is a TABB certified technician who undergoes rigorous classroom and lab training. We also have certified commissioning agents.
LABCO specializes in:
- Air and water systems balancing of new and existing systems
- Pre-construction surveys and plan check
- Hospital airborne isolation rooms, OR’s and crucial air validation for OSHPD
- Clean room certification
- Fire life safety testing
- Smoke evacuation
- Stairwell pressurization testing
- Duct pressurization/leakage testing
- Ultrasonic water flow measurements
- Fume hood certification
- Kitchen hood certification
- Duct detector testing
- Smoke fire damper testing
- 3rd party testing
- Set OSA
- Set minimum CO2 sensors
- Demand control ventilation
At LABCO we have close working relationships with the following mechanical engineers. TKS&C, TTG Corp., JL Hengstler, Gilmore & Associates, P2S Engineering, Building Mechanical Systems and ME Engineers.
At LABCO we have maintained long term associations with Hoag Memorial Hospital (Newport Beach & Irvine), UCI Medical Center, Mission Hospital Laguna, Bank of America, Wells Fargo Bank.
We look forward to the opportunity to be of service to you and your company.