Western Australia, Australia, Air Balance
Australia (AU):
Air Balance Western Australia
Agnew Albany Aldersyde Allanson Applecross Armadale Attadale Augusta Australind Babakin Bakers Hill Balingup Bally Bally Banksiadale Bannister North Bartons Mill Bassendean Beacon Bedfordale Beechina Belka Bellevue Bencubbin Benger Bentley Berakin Beverley Bickley Bicton Binningup Bodallin Boddington Bolgart Borden Bornholm Boulder Boundain Bowes Boya Boyanup Boyup Brook Bramley Bridgetown Brookdale Brookton Broome Broomehill Bruce Rock Brunswick Junction Buckingham Bullaring Bullsbrook Bunbury Bungulluping Burekup Burracoppin Busselton Byford Cadoux Calingiri Cancanning Cannington Capel Cardup Carilla Carmel Carnamah Carnarvon Caroling Carrabin Carrolup Caversham Celebration Chittering Chowerup Clackline Claremont Collie Comet Condon Coogee Cookernup Coolgardie Coolup Coorow Corinthian Corrigin Cottesloe Cowaramup Cranbrook Cuballing Cunderdin Dalkeith Dalton Dampier Dandaragan Dangin Dardanup Darkan Darkin Darlington Denmark Derby Doconing Dongara Donnybrook Doodenanning Doodlakine Dowerin Dumbleyung Dundas Dunsborough Duranillin Dwellingup East Fremantle Eaton Elabbin Elleker Esperance Exmouth Eyre Fitzroy Crossing Forest Grove Frankland Fremantle Geraldton Gibson Gingin Glen Iris Gnowangerup Goomalling Gooseberry Hill Gosnells Grasmere Grass Valley Green Head Greenbushes Greenhills Greenmount Greenough Guilderton Guildford Halls Creek Hamel Hamersley Harvey Herne Hill Higginsville Highbury Holly Hopetoun Hopetown Hotham Hovea Hutt Hyden Illawong Ives Jacobs Well Jardee Jarrahdale Jennacubbine Jitarning Jurien Kalbarri Kalgoorlie Kambalda Karlgarin Karnup Karragullen Karridale Katanning Keane Kellerberrin Kelmscott Kendenup Kenwick Kirup Kirwan Kitchener Kojonup Kondinin Kondut Konnongorring Koorda Kudardup Kulin Kununurra Kwinana Lake Grace Lake King Lakewood Lancelin Latham Laverton Leeman Leonora Linden Lionel Londonderry Lower Chittering Lower King Maddington Mahogany Creek Mandurah Manjimup Manning Manypeaks Marble Bar Mardella Margaret River Marvel Loch Maylands Medina Meekatharra Meelon Melville Merredin Metricup Middle Swan Midland Junction Millendon Mingenew Monkey Mia Moora Moorine Rock Morawa Morbinning Mosman Park Mount Barker Mount Helena Mount Kokeby Muchea Mudiarrup Mukinbudin Mullalyup Mullewa Mundaring Mundaring Weir Mundijong Muntadgin Muradup Nabawa Nannup Nannup Mill Napier Narembeen Narrogin Nedlands New Norcia Newdegate Newlands Newman Noggerup Nornalup Norseman North Beach North Fremantle North Karlgarin North Lake Grace Northam Northampton Northcliffe Notting Nullagine Nungarin Nyabing Nyannia O'connor Oak Park Ogilvie Ongerup Paddington Parkerville Pearce Pemberton Peppermint Grove Perenjori Perth Piawaning Pickering Brook Pilbara Pingelly Pingrup Pinjarra Pintharuka Pioneer Point Samson Popanyinning Porongorup Porongurup Port Hedland Quairading Qualen Quindalup Quindanning Quins Castle Redmond Rockingham Rockwell Roebourne Roelands Roleystone Rosa Brook Safety Bay Sandstone Sawyers Valley Scarborough Scarborough Beach Serpentine Shackleton Shark Bay Shenton Park Smailes Mill Southern Brook Southern Cross Spargoville Spearwood Spencers Brook Stoneville Subiaco Swan View Swanbourne Talbot Brook Tambellup Tammin Tandagin Tarin Rock Tenterden Thevenard Three Springs Toodyay Toolbrunup Torbay Trayning Two Rocks Upper Swan Vasse Waddington Waggrakine Wagin Walliston Walpole Wandering Wanneroo Wansbrough Warnbro Waroona Wattening Wattleup Weld Wellard Wembley West Toodyay Westfield Westonia Whitehead Wickepin Widgemooltha Wilga Williams Williamstown Witchcliffe Wongamine Wongan Hills Wonnerup Wonyil Woodanilling Wooroloo Worsley Wubin Wundowie Wungong Wyalkatchem Wyndham Yallingup Yanchep Yarloop Yealering Yelbeni Yellowdine York Yornaning Yornup Yoting Youraling Yuna
Liberty Air Balance powered by Liberty Air Balance Co., Inc. (LABCO) is an independent Air and Hydronics testing agency that provides services for the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) industry. We have been working in the HVAC industry for over 30 years, LABCO has been in business in Southern California since 2003 and is a signatory union shop.
LABCO prides itself in working closely with its clients and expediting accurate air balance reports. Every field employee at LABCO is a TABB certified technician who undergoes rigorous classroom and lab training. We also have certified commissioning agents.
LABCO specializes in:
- Air and water systems balancing of new and existing systems
- Pre-construction surveys and plan check
- Hospital airborne isolation rooms, OR’s and crucial air validation for OSHPD
- Clean room certification
- Fire life safety testing
- Smoke evacuation
- Stairwell pressurization testing
- Duct pressurization/leakage testing
- Ultrasonic water flow measurements
- Fume hood certification
- Kitchen hood certification
- Duct detector testing
- Smoke fire damper testing
- 3rd party testing
- Set OSA
- Set minimum CO2 sensors
- Demand control ventilation
At LABCO we have close working relationships with the following mechanical engineers. TKS&C, TTG Corp., JL Hengstler, Gilmore & Associates, P2S Engineering, Building Mechanical Systems and ME Engineers.
At LABCO we have maintained long term associations with Hoag Memorial Hospital (Newport Beach & Irvine), UCI Medical Center, Mission Hospital Laguna, Bank of America, Wells Fargo Bank.
We look forward to the opportunity to be of service to you and your company.